You Can Never Be Paid Your True Value

You Will Be Paid Only What You Accept

Sis, listen up…

One essential part of having a holistic hustle is truly understanding your worthiness. 

This is important to call out because it’s easy to tie our sense of worth to our income, job title, credentials, or the brands we associate with. But the problem with that is these external factors are constantly changing. This makes it hard to maintain a sense of self-worth because it’s not anchored in who we are.

When we place more value on what we do or have than who we are, it’s almost impossible to prioritize personal self-care. Which in the long (and short) run, is detrimental to our investment portfolio.  No, not stocks and bonds, but the other investments we make in our career, our education, family, network, etc.  Because self-care is a tool we can use to accelerate the appreciation of our greatest asset….our Self.

So in case you were not aware… You will never be paid your true value.  

You will be paid only what you accept.  

And you accept based on how you perceive your own value.

No amount of money on this planet can fully compensate you for the true value you bring to the table. There is no paycheck big enough to compensate you for your worth. The only thing that determines what you receive is what you’re willing to accept.

Understanding this shifts the way you see yourself. 

It allows us to step off the rat race treadmill and start seeing the incredible value we already possess. When we truly appreciate this, we begin to create the mental space to be intentional about how we treat ourselves.

And Sis, I say this with so much love…..the way we treat ourselves is a truer reflection of our sense of self-worth and standards than the size of our paycheck or our title.

It’s time to take a hard look at our priorities and practice self-awareness about where we’re putting our energy. Where we put our energy is a clear sign of what we value most. Why then, do we continue to pour energy into things that pull us away from ourselves and from understanding our worth? Like bad bosses, toxic work environments and bad habits.

You cannot earn your way to your true value. You have to see that you already are.

If investing in the degree, the certification or promotion path requires that you neglect your personal self-care then I encourage you to examine what you believe to be the source of your value.  Yes, pursue the things that light up your soul, fill you with energy, fuel you and align with your purpose. But the things that drain you or cause you to neglect and harm yourself in the name of achievement? They have to go.

The greatest return on any investment you make is in yourself.

Every certificate program, fellowship, executive coaching, advanced degree, leadership development course, mastermind, or empowerment weekend is something you bring yourself into. So, an investment in YOU first is the foundation for everything else you choose to invest in. If you’re not prioritizing and investing in your self-care as much as your career, it’s like hanging the drapes and chandelier before the foundation is set on the house.

When you invest in your self-care, you’re contributing to your foundational sense of self-worth. You start to feel more valuable because we take care of the things we value. You will begin to truly appreciate that you are priceless because your investment in yourself appreciates and compounds over time.  You will truly know and feel that no paycheck can ever really capture your value.   And now, with your worth no longer outsourced, you wouldn’t, couldn’t accept anything that would not allow you to continue to invest in your greatest asset….your Self.  

So, sis, invest in you. 

A few things we can think about to get us started…

  • Where have you been accepting less than what reflects your true value?

  • What’s one way you’re going to invest in your physical self this year?

  • What activities consistently fuel vs drain you?

With love,


Welcome to Holistic Hustle, where we redefine success to honor our ambition, while prioritizing our well-being. True success is not just about what we achieve but how we feel while achieving it. It’s time. Let’s create a world where ambition and wellness go hand in hand.